Since the launch of Rakan AlYaqout Holdings in 2017, it has grown into a major force in the field of privately owned Investments. Due to strong leadership and unique vision, Rakan AlYaqout Holdings currently owns assets, ranging from investments in stocks to real estate.
The Rakan AlYaqout Holdings also exercises tremendous strong ties with companies/individuals
and orchestrates opening synonyms brands varying from entertainment to hospitality industries.
Through invitation only, esteemed individuals have the chance to view the company's stock holding,
total assets, real estate and business ownerships.

About The Founder
Rakan AlYaqout
Graduating with higher education degrees in the field of economics and political science, Mr. AlYaqout launched this holding company integrating his education into the world-wide business landscape. With strength and devotion, Mr. AlYaqout has built this company from the ground up spearheading the company's stock trading, real-estate proprietorship, and company ownerships.